Google Page Creator的发布为众多互联网的普通使用者提供了一个展示自己的机会,使用者无须了解任何HTML语法代码即可创建自己的网站空间。由于运用了大量Ajax技术,网页上任何内容的添加、修改和删除都可通过所见即所得的方式进行。
Google Page Creator 提供了40余种网页模版,4种布局方式及100MB网络空间,对于创建一个简单的个人网站来说应该是绰绰有余了。目前Page Creator仍处于Beta测试期,稳定性尚有欠缺,另外网页编辑功能也过于简单,不过无论如何,Google Page Creator的推出都是一件好事,它使大家无偿拥有了一个有着强大技术背景的网络家园。
为了实际测试一下Google Page Creator 的功能,我制作了这个简单的个人主页,并借此对我的其他空间作一些简单的介绍。
其实为什么要选择Google的主页服务呢? 免费当然是首要的原因了,还有,Google是一个值得信赖的品牌;而简洁,高效是我非常喜欢的。
注册需要是Gmail用户!登录Google Page Creator主页:
The Google Page Creator Team
Hi there,
Thanks for your interest in Google Page Creator. We appreciate your patience, and we're excited to tell you that we enabled your account today, so you can start making pages now! To get started, head over to and sign in with your Gmail password. We haven't opened up Google Page Creator to everybody yet, so you'll see a message on our home page saying that accounts are unavailable — you can just ignore that.
Google Page Creator is an experiment on Google Labs. Google Labs is where we put projects before they're ready for prime time so that we can start getting feedback from our users. So, please, tell us what you think, what features we should add, what problems you're experiencing, or anything else that can help us make Google Page Creator a better tool for you. We're listening.
This is the only email we'll be sending you — unless you'd like to receive updates in the future.
— The Google Page Creator team