wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/clangcn/ngrok-one-key-install/raw/master/install_ngrok.sh -O ./install_ngrok.sh chmod 500 ./install_ngrok.sh ./install_ngrok.sh install
#!/bin/bash #=============================================================================================== # System Required: CentOS Debian or Ubuntu (32bit/64bit) # Description: Install Ngrok for CentOS Debian or Ubuntu # Author: Clang <admin@clangcn.com> # Intro: https://clang.cn #=============================================================================================== PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH shell_run_start=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` #shell run start time version="V2.2" str_ngrok_dir="/usr/local/ngrok" function fun_clang.cn(){ echo "" echo "#######################################################################" echo "# install Ngrok for Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS Linux Server" echo "# Intro: https://clang.cn/blog/" echo "#" echo "# Author: Clang <admin@clangcn.com>" echo "# version:${version}" echo "#######################################################################" echo "" } # Check if user is root function rootness(){ if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then fun_clang.cn echo "Error:This script must be run as root!" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } function get_char(){ SAVEDSTTY=`stty -g` stty -echo stty cbreak dd if=/dev/tty bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null stty -raw stty echo stty $SAVEDSTTY } # Check OS function checkos(){ if grep -Eqi "CentOS" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "CentOS" /etc/*-release; then OS=CentOS elif grep -Eqi "Debian" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Debian" /etc/*-release; then OS=Debian elif grep -Eqi "Ubuntu" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Ubuntu" /etc/*-release; then OS=Ubuntu else echo "Not support OS, Please reinstall OS and retry!" exit 1 fi } # Get version function getversion(){ if [[ -s /etc/redhat-release ]];then grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/redhat-release else grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/issue fi } # CentOS version function centosversion(){ local code=$1 local version="`getversion`" local main_ver=${version%%.*} if [ $main_ver == $code ];then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Check OS bit function check_os_bit(){ if [[ `getconf WORD_BIT` = '32' && `getconf LONG_BIT` = '64' ]] ; then Is_64bit='y' else Is_64bit='n' fi } function check_centosversion(){ if centosversion 5; then echo "Not support CentOS 5.x, please change to CentOS 6,7 or Debian or Ubuntu and try again." exit 1 fi } # Disable selinux function disable_selinux(){ if [ -s /etc/selinux/config ] && grep 'SELINUX=enforcing' /etc/selinux/config; then sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config setenforce 0 fi } function fun_set_ngrok_user_env(){ str_single_user="" echo -e "\033[33mSetting script environment, single-user or multi-user?\033[0m" read -p "(single-user please input: y,multi-user input N,Default [no]):" str_single_user case "${str_single_user}" in y|Y|Yes|YES|yes|yES|yEs|YeS|yeS) echo "You will set single-user!" str_single_user="y" ;; n|N|No|NO|no|nO) echo "You will set multi-user!" str_single_user="n" ;; *) echo "You will set multi-user!" str_single_user="n" esac fun_set_ngrok_domain } function fun_set_ngrok_domain(){ # Set ngrok domain NGROK_DOMAIN="" read -p "Please input domain for Ngrok(e.g.:ngrok.clang.cn):" NGROK_DOMAIN check_input } function fun_randstr(){ index=0 strRandomPass="" for i in {a..z}; do arr[index]=$i; index=`expr ${index} + 1`; done for i in {A..Z}; do arr[index]=$i; index=`expr ${index} + 1`; done for i in {0..9}; do arr[index]=$i; index=`expr ${index} + 1`; done for i in {1..16}; do strRandomPass="$strRandomPass${arr[$RANDOM%$index]}"; done echo $strRandomPass } function fun_set_ngrok_pass(){ # Set ngrok pass ngrokpass=`fun_randstr` read -p "Please input password for Ngrok(Default Password: ${ngrokpass}):" ngrok_pass if [ "${ngrok_pass}" = "" ]; then ngrok_pass="${ngrokpass}" fi } function check_input(){ # check ngrok domain if [ "$NGROK_DOMAIN" = "" ]; then echo -e "Your input is empty,please input again..." fun_set_ngrok_domain else echo -e "Your domain: \033[41;37m "${NGROK_DOMAIN}" \033[0m." fun_set_ngrok_pass fi # check ngrok pass if [ "$ngrok_pass" = "" ]; then echo -e "Your input is empty,please input again..." fun_set_ngrok_pass else echo -e "Your ngrok pass: \033[41;37m "${ngrok_pass}" \033[0m." echo -e "\033[32m \033[05mPress any key to start...or Press Ctrl+c to cancel\033[0m" char=`get_char` pre_install fi } function pre_install(){ echo "Install ngrok,please wait..." echo "============== Install packs ==============" if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then #yum -y update yum -y install nano net-tools openssl-devel curl curl-devel psmisc wget else apt-get update -y apt-get install -y wget build-essential mercurial nano curl psmisc openssl libcurl4-openssl-dev fi [ ! -d ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ ] && mkdir -p ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ cd ${str_ngrok_dir} # Download ngrok file if [ "${Is_64bit}" == 'y' ] ; then if [ ! -s ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ]; then if ! wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/clangcn/ngrok-one-key-install/raw/master/ngrokd/ngrokd.x86_64 -O ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd; then echo "Failed to download ngrokd.x86_64 file!" exit 1 fi fi else if [ ! -s ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ]; then if ! wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/clangcn/ngrok-one-key-install/raw/master/ngrokd/ngrokd.x86 -O ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd; then echo "Failed to download ngrokd.x86 file!" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ -s ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ]; then [ ! -x ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ] && chmod 755 ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd cd ${str_ngrok_dir} openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048 openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -subj "/CN=$NGROK_DOMAIN" -days 5000 -out rootCA.pem openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048 openssl req -new -key server.key -subj "/CN=$NGROK_DOMAIN" -out server.csr openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 5000 config_runshell_ngrok clear fun_clang.cn echo "Install Ngrok completed! enjoy it." echo "=========================================================================" echo "On key install Ngrok ${version} for Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS Linux Server" echo "=========================================================================" echo "" echo "For more information please visit https://clang.cn/" echo "" echo -e "ngrok status manage: \033[45;37m/etc/init.d/ngrokd\033[0m {\033[40;31mstart\033[0m|\033[40;32mstop\033[0m|\033[40;33mrestart\033[0m|\033[40;34mconfig\033[0m|\033[40;35madduser\033[0m|\033[40;36minfo\033[0m}" echo -e "Your Domain: \033[32m\033[01m${NGROK_DOMAIN}\033[0m" echo -e "Ngrok password: \033[32m\033[01m${ngrok_pass}\033[0m" echo -e "http_port: \033[32m\033[01m80\033[0m" echo -e "https_port: \033[32m\033[01m443\033[0m" echo -e "remote_port: \033[32m\033[01m4443\033[0m" echo -e "Config file: \033[32m\033[01m${str_ngrok_dir}/.ngrok_config.sh\033[0m" echo "" /etc/init.d/ngrokd start echo "=========================================================================" exit 0 else echo "" echo "Sorry,Failed to install Ngrok!" echo "You can download /root/ngrok_install.log from your server,and mail ngrok_install.log to me." exit 1 fi shell_run_end=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` #shell run end time time_distance=$(expr $(date +%s -d "$shell_run_end") - $(date +%s -d "$shell_run_start")); hour_distance=$(expr ${time_distance} / 3600) ; hour_remainder=$(expr ${time_distance} % 3600) ; min_distance=$(expr ${hour_remainder} / 60) ; min_remainder=$(expr ${hour_remainder} % 60) ; echo -e "Shell run time is \033[32m \033[01m${hour_distance} hour ${min_distance} min ${min_remainder} sec\033[0m" } function config_runshell_ngrok(){ if [ "${str_single_user}" == 'y' ] ; then cat > ${str_ngrok_dir}/.ngrok_config.sh <<EOF #!/bin/bash # -------------config START------------- dns="${NGROK_DOMAIN}" pass="${ngrok_pass}" http_port=80 https_port=443 remote_port=4443 srtCRT=server.crt strKey=server.key loglevel="INFO" SingleUser="y" # -------------config END------------- EOF else cat > ${str_ngrok_dir}/.ngrok_config.sh <<EOF #!/bin/bash # -------------config START------------- dns="${NGROK_DOMAIN}" pass="${ngrok_pass}" http_port=80 https_port=443 remote_port=4443 srtCRT=server.crt strKey=server.key loglevel="INFO" SingleUser="n" # -------------config END------------- EOF fi if ! wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/clangcn/ngrok-one-key-install/raw/master/ngrokd.init -O /etc/init.d/ngrokd; then echo "Failed to download ngrokd.init file!" exit 1 fi [ ! -x ${str_ngrok_dir}/.ngrok_config.sh ] && chmod 500 ${str_ngrok_dir}/.ngrok_config.sh [ ! -x /etc/init.d/ngrokd ] && chmod 755 /etc/init.d/ngrokd if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then if [ -s /etc/init.d/ngrokd ]; then chmod +x /etc/init.d/ngrokd chkconfig --add ngrokd fi else if [ -s /etc/init.d/ngrokd ]; then chmod +x /etc/init.d/ngrokd update-rc.d -f ngrokd defaults sed -i 's/#TMPTIME=.*/TMPTIME=-1/' /etc/default/rcS sed -i 's/TMPTIME=.*/TMPTIME=-1/' /etc/default/rcS fi fi [ -s /etc/init.d/ngrokd ] && ln -s /etc/init.d/ngrokd /usr/bin/ngrokd } function check_nano(){ nano -V #echo $? if [[ $? -le 1 ]] ;then echo " Run nano success" else echo " Run nano failed" if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then echo " Install centos nano ..." #yum -y update yum -y install nano else echo " Install debian/ubuntu nano ..." apt-get update -y apt-get install -y nano fi fi # if [[ ! -d "$result" ]]; then # echo "not found" # else # echo "found" # fi echo $result } function check_killall(){ killall -V #echo $? if [[ $? -le 1 ]] ;then echo " Run killall success" else echo " Run killall failed" if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then echo " Install centos killall ..." #yum -y update yum -y install psmisc else echo " Install debian/ubuntu killall ..." apt-get update -y apt-get install -y psmisc fi fi # if [[ ! -d "$result" ]]; then # echo "not found" # else # echo "found" # fi echo $result } ############################### uninstall function ################################## function fun_install_ngrok(){ fun_clang.cn checkos check_centosversion check_os_bit disable_selinux if [ -s ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ] && [ -s /etc/init.d/ngrokd ]; then echo "Ngrok is installed!" else fun_set_ngrok_user_env fi } function fun_configure_ngrok(){ check_nano if [ -s ${str_ngrok_dir}/.ngrok_config.sh ]; then nano ${str_ngrok_dir}/.ngrok_config.sh else echo "Ngrok configuration file not found!" fi } function fun_uninstall_ngrok(){ fun_clang.cn if [ -s ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ] && [ -s /etc/init.d/ngrokd ]; then echo "============== Uninstall Ngrok ==============" save_config="n" echo -e "\033[33mDo you want to keep the configuration file?\033[0m" read -p "(if you want please input: y,Default [no]):" save_config case "${save_config}" in y|Y|Yes|YES|yes|yES|yEs|YeS|yeS) echo "" echo "You will keep the configuration file!" save_config="y" ;; n|N|No|NO|no|nO) echo "" echo "You will NOT to keep the configuration file!" save_config="n" ;; *) echo "" echo "will NOT to keep the configuration file!" save_config="n" esac checkos /etc/init.d/ngrokd stop if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then chkconfig --del ngrokd else update-rc.d -f ngrokd remove fi rm -f /etc/init.d/ngrokd /usr/bin/ngrokd /var/run/ngrok_clang.pid /root/ngrok_install.log /root/ngrok_update.log if [ "${save_config}" == 'n' ]; then rm -fr ${str_ngrok_dir} else rm -fr ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ ${str_ngrok_dir}/ngrok.log ${str_ngrok_dir}/rootCA.* ${str_ngrok_dir}/server.* fi echo "Ngrok uninstall success!" else echo "Ngrok Not install!" fi echo "" } function fun_update_ngrok(){ fun_clang.cn if [ -s ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ] && [ -s /etc/init.d/ngrokd ]; then echo "============== Update Ngrok ==============" checkos check_centosversion check_os_bit check_killall killall ngrokd [ ! -d ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ ] && mkdir -p ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ rm -f ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd /etc/init.d/ngrokd /usr/bin/ngrokd /var/run/ngrok_clang.pid /root/ngrok_install.log /root/ngrok_uninstall.log cd ${str_ngrok_dir} # Download ngrok file if [ "${Is_64bit}" == 'y' ] ; then if [ ! -s ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ]; then if ! wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/clangcn/ngrok-one-key-install/raw/master/ngrokd/ngrokd.x86_64 -O ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd; then echo "Failed to download ngrokd.x86_64 file!" exit 1 fi fi else if [ ! -s ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ]; then if ! wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/clangcn/ngrok-one-key-install/raw/master/ngrokd/ngrokd.x86 -O ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd; then echo "Failed to download ngrokd.x86 file!" exit 1 fi fi fi [ ! -x ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd ] && chmod 755 ${str_ngrok_dir}/bin/ngrokd if ! wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/clangcn/ngrok-one-key-install/raw/master/ngrokd.init -O /etc/init.d/ngrokd; then echo "Failed to download ngrokd.init file!" exit 1 fi [ ! -x /etc/init.d/ngrokd ] && chmod 755 /etc/init.d/ngrokd if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then if [ -s /etc/init.d/ngrokd ]; then chmod +x /etc/init.d/ngrokd chkconfig --add ngrokd fi else if [ -s /etc/init.d/ngrokd ]; then chmod +x /etc/init.d/ngrokd update-rc.d -f ngrokd defaults fi fi clear /etc/init.d/ngrokd start echo "Ngrok update success!" else echo "Ngrok Not install!" fi echo "" } clear rootness action=$1 [ -z $1 ] case "$action" in install) rm -f /root/ngrok_install.log fun_install_ngrok 2>&1 | tee /root/ngrok_install.log ;; config) fun_configure_ngrok ;; uninstall) fun_uninstall_ngrok 2>&1 | tee /root/ngrok_uninstall.log ;; update) fun_update_ngrok 2>&1 | tee /root/ngrok_update.log ;; *) fun_clang.cn echo "Arguments error! [${action} ]" echo "Usage: `basename $0` {install|uninstall|update|config}" ;; esac